We help you manage your Self Managed Super Fund by managing auditing, ATO communication and all aspects of its taxation and investments.

Auditors &
Financial Planners

KG Partners & Co provide specialised income tax services for individuals & businesses, and compliant SMSF auditing for other accountants.
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Welcome to KG Partners & Co

'Every step you make, we're by your side.'  At KG Partners & Co we thrive on the opportunity to work closely with all our clients - assisting them in successfully achieving their goals through all stages of their financial life.
We provide specialised accounting services and advice to cater to the individual circumstances of our clients, including individual & partnership taxation, trusts, financial statements, company taxation, superannuation & MYOB.

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Over 20 years

Experience helping clients 

Audit Services

Helping accounting firms


Growing  your business


Property Investment
"Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation"
Suite 3/1020 Doncaster Road, Doncaster East VIC 3109 | Ph (03) 9841 4711 |
 FAX (03) 9841 4744 | Terms | Privacy 
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